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Hi Alpine Front Desk, ……. I want you and your colleagues to know how ridiculously and brutally efficient, professional, and welcoming you and everyone that we’ve been in contact with at Alpine have been! It’s incredible and I have been blown away (in only the most positive of ways, of course!). I’ve rarely had a customer/client experience as positive – in any context – like this one. Truly. And I’m a tough cookie when it comes to these things. I’ve copied Isabelle on this message, because this sentiment also very much applies to her, and I am hoping that she can convey my message of appreciation and satisfaction to the CEO of the clinic. D.V. 2 weeks ago.
“Why Can’t I Get Over My Depression?”
Because it’s NOT All in Your Mind.
It is also in Your Nervous System.
To successfully treat Depression you MUST attend to your physiology as well as your psychology.
Day to Day Stress
How we experience the events and people in our day-to-day life is based on how well our nervous system can respond.
When we are either stuck in the Freeze State, where we feel shutdown and overwhelmed – this is the depressed state.
OR stuck in the Fight or Flight State and feel “ON” and hyper-vigilant – this is the Anxiety state.
Then we can’t properly process the stimuli around us.

The # 1 Issue with Depression!
“It hides the possibility of feeling free, of happiness and joy.
It shades the possibility of creativity and open expression.
Depression barricades and blocks a sense of worth and colours everything around it in a tone of grey.
Depression is a treacherous house guest that tries to destroy from within rather than build-up.
It tries to breakdown rather than repair.
It attempts isolate rather than open.”
Claire Maisonneuve, director Alpine Clinic
Depression – Text or Call 604 732-3930
Counselling for Depression
At the Alpine Clinic, our Counsellors understand the necessity to consider what happens in your body as well as in your mind.
We provide Counselling that helps address both the way depression is trapped in the body and how it affects your mind in order to help you reclaim your sense of self-confidence and well-being.
Many of our clients combine Counselling with Direct Neurofeedback.

Direct Neurofeedback for Depression
Direct Neurofeedback is a brain technology that calms your brain and helps reset your nervous system.
You can think of Counselling as working on your mind, while the Direct Neurofeedback works on your brain.
By sending imperceptible micro-signals, to your brain, Direct Neurofeedback helps to get you out of stuck and frozen patterns of thinking and reacting.

"Incredible Clinic... I've had migraines for 28 years after a car accident and from my Direct Neurofeedback Treatments, they are gone."
"I started my treatments in November 2020 and my last migraine was in December 2020 - I had migraines close to every day."
"Many other changes happened as well, one very surprising one - I've struggled with being late since childhood and now I'm on time for everything. That in itself has been life changing."
"I do encourage anyone thinking of doing this to complete the 20 treatments recommended to ensure the changes are permanent."
"I have of course recommended family and friends and many have had great results as well."
Thank you to the team at Alpine Clinic for all your help... It's truly been a life changing experience!"
Depression - Text or Call 604 732-3930
Counselling or Direct Neurofeedback? 1:43

Claire Maisonneuve, director
Looking for someone you can trust?
TESTIMONIAL - Dr. David Dyment MD, CCFP says,
"As a family physician in Burnaby B.C., I have been referring patients to Claire Maisonneuve for the past 27 years. The feedback I have received has been remarkable. She gets results and I would strongly recommend Ms Maisonneuve for anyone seeking couples or individual therapy."
Over 30 years of helping clients make break-throughs in their lives.

“I sleep better, I ‘m not feeling depressed, the constant anxiety has gone, my thoughts don’t spiral.”
“After the first session I felt better for almost 24 hours. Then I felt the familiar surge of anxiety come back and slid back into that dark place I’ve been for many years.”
“After each treatment the negative feelings went away, and are now staying away.”
“I’m only 7 sessions in but there is no way I’ll turn back now.”
“The staff is amazing. Positive, helpful, supportive, friendly. And the Neurofeedback is totally worth it. It’s hard to spend money on your own wellness sometimes but this makes everything better.”
“The only other thing that has helped me like this was 2 weeks in the Peruvian jungle on an Ayahuasca retreat. I’d try this first though :)”
Depression - Text or Call 604 732-3930
Words to Describe Depression
Depression is lying in bed waiting for something to change but not understanding what to do.
Depression is watching other people make life milestones and wondering “why not me?”
Depression is the feeling of shame for merely existing.
Depression is a deep feeling of alienation and isolation.
Depression is wanting to do things but not having the energy to do it.
Depression is a feeling of emptiness and desperation.
Alternative to Counselling
Although Counselling has been the traditional method of therapy for Depression - Direct Neurofeedback at the Alpine Clinic can offer you the most profound opportunity to make lasting changes in your life that will result in an emotional shift and a new sense of happiness.
Depression - Text or Call 604-732-3930
Depression can happen when hurts from the past continue to affect you and keep you from experiencing the potential for joy that lies inside you.
Most of us have felt anxious or depressed, at least once in a while. Whether it’s being fired, losing a friend or getting divorced, there are many tough situations that can lead us to feel sad, lonely or anxious. These are normal reactions to stressful situations in life.
But some of us seem to experience feelings of sadness or despair more frequently for what seems like no apparent reason, making it difficult to carry on with normal, everyday functioning. If this sounds like you, it’s possible you’re suffering from depression.
Depression varies from person to person, but there are some common signs and symptoms. It’s important to remember that these symptoms can be part of life’s normal lows. But the more symptoms you have, the stronger they are, and the longer they’ve lasted—the more likely it is that you’re dealing with depression. If these symptoms are overwhelming and disabling, that’s when it’s time to seek help.

Common Symptoms of Depression include:
A sense of unworthiness about yourself that gets in your way of functioning
Feel guilty a lot of the time
Feeling resentful without reason
Feeling hopeless about the future
Find you’ve lost your interest in sex
Changes in weight – gains and loss
Wanting to sleep a lot of the time
Irritability or a low mood
Inability to take pleasure and perform well in the activities of daily life
Behavior problems
Poor performance at school
Low self-esteem
Difficulty interacting with others in social situations
Poor appetite or overeating
Trouble sleeping
Persistent tiredness or lack of energy
Trouble concentrating
Difficulty making decisions
Counselling Testimonials
"I felt trapped by my past, was continually bombarded with negative thinking, and was steadily gaining weight. Through the counseling I received from Claire …I was able to accept my past, calm the negative thoughts, and begin to lose weight. Claire offered me practical skills to deal with adverse situations and enabled me to re-take control of my life…. I now feel free from my past and look to the future with confidence." P.M. Delta
"The professionalism I encountered enabled me to take the leap of faith – and accept that I truly needed my counsellor's help. The structure and continuity enabled step-by-step progress. The building blocks are solid. The timeline – given the massive result – was short, just months in duration." L.B. Surrey
"Claire I want to thank you so much. I did not know what to expect when I began work with you, but now know how pivotal it was in moving beyond past events. I can honestly say that I feel myself again and that life has regained it's spark. You truly are gifted in your work. As you have helped many, thank you for playing this role in my life." C. C.
"My decision to choose Alpine was probably the most important decision that I have ever made in my life and I will always consider Skyelar Napier one of the most influential people in my life. I am so blessed to have this relationship and am so grateful for all that the clinic and the professionals who work there have, and continue to do, to help me make the best of each day." G. W.
Direct Neurofeedback is an Alternative to Counselling
Direct Neurofeedback - it's FAST ACTING!
- It's very effective for helping Depression.
- It is non-invasive, drug-free, painless and FDA approved.
- Results are impressive and many clients notice a change within a few sessions.
- Direct Neurofeedback allows the Mind to relax and the Nervous System to Reset.
- It Reenergizes the Nervous System and the pattern of Depression Begins to Break.
Depression - Text or Call 604 732-3930
Forms of Depression
Depression also comes in many shapes and forms. The different types also have unique symptoms, causes and effects.
Major depression is characterized by the inability to enjoy life and feel pleasure, often lasting for over six months. The symptoms are constant, ranging from moderate to severe. Some people experience just a single depressive episode in their lifetime, such as after a marital break up or the loss of a loved one. However, major depression can often be a recurring condition.
Persistent depressive disorder, or PDD is a type of chronic “low-grade” depression that can last for years. On most days, you feel mildly or moderately depressed, although you may also have brief periods where you feel “normal”. The symptoms of PDD are not as strong as major depression, but they can make it very difficult to enjoy life. Some people also experience major depressive episodes on top of PDD, a condition known as “double depression.”
Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic depression, is characterized by cycling mood changes. Episodes of depression alternate with manic episodes, which can include impulsive behaviour, hyperactivity, rapid speech, and trouble sleeping. Treatments for bipolar disorder are quite different than for other forms of depression. For example, anti-depressant medications could actually make bipolar disorder worse.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a condition that can affect you unexpectedly during the winter months. You may feel hopeless, sad, tense, or stressed, with no interest in friends or activities you normally enjoy. SAD usually begins in the fall or winter and remains until the brighter days of spring or summer return.
Depression and Anxiety Disorders are not the same.
Many people who develop depression also have a history of anxiety disorder, but there is no evidence one disorder causes the other. However, there is clear evidence that many people suffer from both disorders at the same time.
While more than 50% of people who suffer from anxiety are also affected by depression, they are two separate disorders.

Getting treatment for depression is important.
If you’re dealing with depression, it’s important to ask for help. There is no “one-size fits all” solution for depression, and we’ll develop a customized approach just for you.
After you contact our office, we’ll work together on a treatment plan that helps you:
Overcome blue moods.
Feel good about yourself and your life.
Build your self-esteem.
Connect you to your sense of aliveness, vitality and positive energy.
Restore your motivation to do things and to plan for your future.
Increase your ability to trust yourself in making decisions.
Feel good inside your own body.
Awaken your sexual desire.
Overcoming depression starts by asking for help. While it can feel like you’re alone in the world, we are here to support you. Let’s get started on your journey back to a positive and energized life.
The Next Step is Yours - Take It!
A Personal Letter To YOU,
It takes courage to initiate a change in your life - especially one that has been weighing you down for a long time. It is almost as if that which you want to get rid of is a familiar friend. In reality it is your enemy, that undermines and restricts you everyday.
Isn't it time to finally throw the enemy out and live the rest of your life free?
The expertise we have at the Alpine Counselling Clinic is unsurpassed. The thousands of clients we have helped to make significant changes in their lives over the past 30 years, bears good testament to our professionalism and commitment.
If you are hesitant in any way about taking the next step, call the number below and ask for me personally - so we can talk.
Claire Maisonneuve, director Alpine Clinic.

"I would like to give 10 stars."
"They did a great job for me. My anxiety, negative thoughts, stress are all manageable right now."
"My energy level has increased. My concentration is getting better. I am very happy."
"I highly recommend Claire and her team."
"Thank you Claire you changed my life."

Depression - Text or Call 604 732-3930