A Reaction To an Abnormal Amount of Stress
Trauma Defined
Trauma is defined more by its response than its trigger.
Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel a full range of emotions and experiences.
There is no criteria to objectively evaluate which events will cause post-trauma symptoms.
Circumstances typically involve the loss of control, betrayal, abuse of power, helplessness, pain, confusion and/or loss.
The event need not rise to the level of war, natural disaster, nor personal assault to affect a person profoundly and alter their experiences.
Traumatic situations that cause post-trauma symptoms vary quite dramatically from person to person.

Common Emotional & Physical Symptoms Of Trauma
Response to a traumatic event varies significantly among people, but there are some basic, common symptoms.
Emotional Symptoms Include:
- sad, hopeless
- anger, moods
- denial, shock
- confusion, fear
- guilt, shame
These may lead too:
- nightmares
- insomnia
- relationship problems
- rage, tension
- fatigue
- easily startled
Physical symptoms:
- dizziness
- nausea
- sleep pattern changes
- changes in appetite
- headaches
- gastro problems
Psychological symptoms:
- depression
- anxiety, fear
- dissociative disorders
- substance abuse
“Why Is Trauma so Difficult To Get Over?”
Because it’s NOT Just in the Emotions – Mind
It is also in the Nervous System – Body
To successfully treat Trauma we MUST attend to our Psychology as well as our Physiology.
Trauma – Day to Day
How events and people are experienced in our day-to-day life is based on how well our nervous system can respond.
In the Fight or Flight State where one feels “ON” and hyper-vigilant a lot of the time – this is a common PTSD response. Alternatively a person may be stuck in the Freeze State, where one feels shutdown and overwhelmed – a depressed response to trauma.
In either of these states it is very difficult to properly process the stimuli around us.

Counselling for Trauma
At the Alpine Clinic, our Counsellors understand the necessity to consider what happens in your body as well as in your mind.
We provide Counselling that helps address both the way trauma is trapped in the body and how it affects your mind in order to help you reclaim your natural sense of well-being and self-confidence.
A combination of Counselling and Direct Neurofeedback is used in many cases.

Direct Neurofeedback for Trauma
Direct Neurofeedback a brain technology that calms your brain and helps reset your nervous system.
You can think of Counselling as working on your mind, while the Direct Neurofeedback works on your brain -physiology.
By sending imperceptible micro-signals, to your brain, Direct Neurofeedback helps to get you out of stuck and frozen patterns of reacting and thinking.
Trauma – Text or Call 604-732-3930
What Is Direct Neurofeedback? 5:48 mins

Claire Maisonneuve, director
Looking for someone you can trust?
TESTIMONIAL – Dr. David Dyment MD, CCFP says,
“As a family physician in Burnaby B.C., I have been referring patients to Claire Maisonneuve for the past 27 years. The feedback I have received has been remarkable. She gets results and I would strongly recommend Ms Maisonneuve for anyone seeking couples or individual therapy.”
Over 30 years of helping clients make break-throughs in their lives.

"Incredible Clinic... I've had migraines for 28 years after a car accident and from my Direct Neurofeedback Treatments, they are gone."
"I started my treatments in November 2020 and my last migraine was in December 2020 - I had migraines close to every day."
"Many other changes happened as well, one very surprising one - I've struggled with being late since childhood and now I'm on time for everything. That in itself has been life changing."
"I do encourage anyone thinking of doing this to complete the 20 treatments recommended to ensure the changes are permanent."
"I have of course recommended family and friends and many have had great results as well."
Thank you to the team at Alpine Clinic for all your help... It's truly been a life changing experience!"
Trauma Changes the Nervous System
Trauma produces actual physiological changes in the brain and the nervous system, including a disruption in the brain’s alarm system and an alteration in the way we filter information coming to us. Research in the field of Neuroscience and Neurobiology has revealed this.
In his groundbreaking book “The Body Keeps the Score” Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, explains the impact of trauma on our brain and body and reveals the importance of using strategies that address these symptoms not just in the mind, but also in the body.
“After trauma the world is experienced with a different nervous system."
"The survivor’s energy now becomes focused on suppressing inner chaos, at the expense of spontaneous involvement in their life. These attempts to maintain control over unbearable physiological reactions can result in a whole range of symptoms….” from The Body Keeps the Score.

Trauma is not what happens to others!
Research by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has shown that;
One in five Americans was sexually molested as a child
One in four was beaten by a parent to the point of a mark being left on their body
One in three couples engages in physical violence
A quarter of us grew up with alcoholic relatives
One out of eight witnessed their mother being beaten or hit
Has something happen recently or in the past that you just can’t stop thinking about?
Do you feel emotional, paralyzed or fearful when you think about it?
A reaction to trauma does not mean you are mentally ill, weak or somehow deficient. It is an entirely normal reaction to an abnormal amount of stress.
If you have Trauma you might experience:
Repetitive distressing thoughts about the event in the form of flashbacks, intrusive memories or unrest at being in situations that reminds you of the original trauma often to the point where these thoughts interfere with your concentration.
Dreams or nightmares about the event where you shake, shout and thrash about.
Difficulty with sleep.
Reduced interest in others and the outside world.
Irritability and outbursts of anger.
Feeling disconnected from yourself and those around you.
Looking for an Alternative to Counselling?
Direct Neurofeedback - it's FAST ACTING!
- It's very effective at helping Trauma and PTSD.
- It is non-invasive, drug-free, painless and completely safe.
- Results are impressive, many clients see changes within a few sessions.
- It allows the Mind to Relax and the Nervous System to Reset.
- Direct Neurofeedback works directly on the Nervous System.
Trauma - Text or Call 604-732-3930
Reactions to Trauma
These are experienced not only by people who were involved in the trauma first–hand, but often also by those who have either witnessed or heard about or have had different kinds of involvement with the person or persons immediately affected.
Our counselling approach can help you:
Feel safe in talking about the trauma.
Identify and acknowledge your losses as a result of the trauma.
Reduce your fears about your feelings and symptoms.
Re-channel your emotions of anger, rage or hatred in positive directions.
Overcome self blame, shame or survivor guilt.
Help you realize you are not going insane.
See yourself as a brave survivor rather than a victim.
Develop better self care strategies.
Regain a sense of humour.
Increase your sense of well being.
Develop a new appreciation for life.
Through counselling you can learn to turn the ordeal of your trauma into a source of strength and empowerment and regain a sense of control over your emotions and your life!
Empowerment includes the ability to love yourself and feel good and comfortable in your own skin.
Ask us how we can help!

The Next Step is Yours - Take It!
A Personal Letter To YOU,
It takes courage to initiate a change in your life - especially one that has been weighing you down for a long time. It is almost as if that which you want to get rid of, is a familiar friend. In reality it is your enemy, that undermines and restricts you everyday.
Isn't it time to finally throw the enemy out and live the rest of your life free?
The expertise we have at the Alpine Counselling Clinic is unsurpassed. The thousands of clients we have helped to make significant changes in their lives over the past 30 years, bears good testament to our professionalism and commitment.
If you are hesitant in any way about taking the next step, call the number below and ask for me personally - so we can talk.
Claire Maisonneuve, director Alpine Clinic.
Trauma - Text or Call 604-732-3930
Client Describing his Addiction and Overcoming the Underlying Anxiety.
From Addiction to Peace of Mind - a Testimonial.
Overcoming the underlying anxiety, with Direct Neurofeedback, that caused him to drink.
A Client's Experience with Direct Neurofeedback
Got my life back! - a Testimonial.
Describes how Direct Neurofeedback helped her get back on track after a major life crisis.
Our phones are open 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Monday to Friday, all day Saturday and 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Sunday.

Trauma - Text or Call 604-732-3930