Calms the Brain
Resets the Nervous System
Direct Neurofeedback is Drug free – Painless – Non-invasive – Effortless.
No Wait List, Book Now, In Person Sessions
Get a real person answering when you call:
9:00 am – 8:00 pm Monday to Friday, all day Saturday and Sunday.
Text or Call: 604-732-3930 …or… Email:
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Mental Health = Brain Care
“Why Can’t I Get Over My Anxiety and Depression?”
Because it’s NOT All in Your Mind.
It’s in Your Nervous System too.
Direct Neurofeedback function is to CALM your nervous system
To successfully treat Anxiety, Depression & PTSD you MUST attend to your physiology as well as your psychology.
Day to Day Stress
How we experience the events and people in our day-to-day life is based on how well our Nervous System can respond.
When we are either stuck in the fight or flight state and feel “ON” and hyper-vigilant, or stuck in the freeze state, where we feel shutdown and overwhelmed then we can’t properly process the stimuli around us.
“How Neurofeedback Works” 1:47
Direct Neurofeedback is a brain technology that Calms Your Brain and Resets Your Nervous System.
It does this by sending imperceptible micro-signals, that helps your brain get out of stuck and frozen patterns of thinking and reacting.
Results come very quickly.
The effect is like rebooting a frozen computer.
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“20 Sessions of Direct Neurofeedback brought back youthful energy, a more relaxed body, cleared tons of stuck emotions, vivified my senses (especially smell).”
“And opened up never before felt sensations in my gut, like that area had been numbed out my whole life, which resulted in a whole bunch of new emotional growth.”
“All the results are still with me months later and feels permanent.”
“The staff are all proficient and nice and the process of making appointments is convenient and smooth. This is a great office and great healing process.”
What Is Direct Neurofeedback – 7:33 mins.
Tamara Bell – TV Host going through 20 Neurofeedback Sessions – 3:50 mins.
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“I went to Alpine specifically to try the Neurofeedback. I admit, I was skeptical and thought likely just a money grab.”
“Let me tell you how wrong I was!!”
“I think it was after my 2nd or 3rd treatment, I had energy and purged my whole closet!!!”
“Emotionally when I started Neurofeedback, I was a mess. I had been in the same coping skills and behaviors for years.”
“Now I set boundaries and friends have commented that I have more confidence, have a backbone and carry myself different…In a good way.”
“You are worth the investment to get yourself well!! The staff at Alpine are amazing……….”

“I heard of Neurofeedback from a couple of sources over the last year but then someone really close to me went to try it. After seeing such positive results for them I decided to try it myself.”
“The staff is amazing. Positive, helpful, supportive, friendly. And the Neurofeedback is totally worth it. It’s hard to spend money on your own wellness sometimes but this makes everything better.”
“After the first session I felt better for almost 24 hours. Then I felt the familiar surge of anxiety come back and slid back into that dark place I’ve been for many years.”
“After each treatment the negative feelings went away, and are now staying away.”
“I sleep better, I ‘m not feeling depressed, the constant anxiety has gone, my thoughts don’t spiral.”
“I’m only 7 sessions in but there is no way I’ll turn back now.”
“The only other thing that has helped me like this was 2 weeks in the Peruvian jungle on an Ayahuasca retreat. I’d try this first though :)”
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Claire Maisonneuve, director
Looking for someone you can Trust?
TESTIMONIAL: Family Physician, Dr. David Dyment MD, CCFP says,
“As a family physician in Burnaby B.C., I have been referring patients to Claire Maisonneuve for the past 27 years. The feedback I have received has been remarkable. She gets results and I would strongly recommend Ms Maisonneuve for anyone seeking couples or individual therapy.”
Over 30 years of helping clients make break-throughs in their lives.
Vancouver’s Premier Counselling and Neurofeedback Clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions About Direct Neurofeedback
What Does Direct Neurofeedback Do?
Calms Racing Thoughts.
Shifts Depression.
Eliminates Panic Attacks.
Overcomes Anxiety.
Lifts Brain Fog.
Increases Social Comfort.
Boosts Self Confidence.
Improves Sleep.
Increases Energy.

Why is Direct Neurofeedback so Effective?
How can Results be Achieved So Quickly?
“Direct Neurofeedback’s effectiveness in treating things like Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, ADHD, Panic Attacks, Sleep Difficulties, Fear and other emotional conditions – lies in the fact that each one of these conditions is a REACTION to stress – not the stress itself.
“This repeated reaction over time causes certain brain patterns to become stuck, unique to each individual.”
“Direct Neurofeedback targets those stuck neural patterns and disrupts them using a painless micro-signal (300 times less than what a cellphone emits) allowing the brain to reset itself and create new pathways – effectively changing itself.” Claire Maisonneuve, director Alpine Clinic.
Client Review on Google

“I found Alpine Counselling Clinic after spending a considerable time browsing other clinics (googling and calling) for Neurofeedback treatment.
My experience from the very beginning with Alpine was way beyond my expectations, whether with the way I was welcome, heard and supported, starting with the amazingly warm and helpful ladies at the reception (Julia, Alyssa….) to the highly supportive practitioners (Laura, Cara, Julia ..and director Claire…) or through the takeaways of the treatment itself.”
“Now after completing 25 sessions, I can confidently say that there is a shift I am experiencing internally… way less chronic pain..
Which means I finally feel the energy moving now in my body and especially in my legs where I used to have static chronic pain for years…
More opening in my chest and natural inclination to straighten up my back after years of slouching, out of stress and tension in my shoulders and upper back..).”
“I know that you can find a few other clinics that provide Direct Neurofeedback sessions as well, but for me what matters the most is not only what the clinic provides, but also HOW they provide their services.

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Testimonial – Direct Neurofeedback
“I’ve been shy, quiet and self conscious about speaking up in groups as far back as I can remember. I always felt like I didn’t have anything to offer or important to say and would blush, and get sweaty in conversations. Now I feel like I have ‘a life’. I can go to parties and have a ball. I find myself really laughing out loud – which surprises me! Now I feel excitement rather than dread when I face the day.” H.D. North Vancouver
Want to Find Out How Neurofeedback Works?
These books are available on

This book describes in easy to read detail the way Direct Neurofeedback works, and how it can help to restore optimal functioning of the brain after emotional or physical trauma.

Dr Bessel Van der Kolk is one of the world’s foremost experts on traumatic stress. He describes in detail in this book the use of Neurofeedback in helping with anxiety, depression and trauma.

Dr. Norman Doidge endorses the use of Direct Neurofeedback in his book “The Brain’s Way of Healing” in which he describes the process of neuroplastic healing and how it can work by applying non-invasive therapies like neurofeedback.
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Neurofeedback Testimonials
“My husband was locked in a pattern of anger and frustration that took a hold of his personality after his head injury. Through the Alpine Clinic and Direct Neurofeedback he has regained his personality back and his relationships have significantly improved with me and his teen daughters. He has improved focus and mental abilities. He is no longer stuck in frustration.” SP
“Doing Direct Neurofeedback has helped me change in profound ways. It’s been a life changing experience. It’s like night and day. I have become a lot more spontaneous, clearer in my feelings, and decisions. I find I am more honest and open with people. I can’t hide my feelings anymore and it feels great. I am much more communicative with people and so much more aware of myself in that process. All of which has allowed me to feel more connected to others.” HW
“I was at a cross roads with my anxiety and could see the impact it was having on everything in my life. I trusted Neurofeedback and the team at Alpine. My life is so different now, yet so what it should be. I no longer have brain fog, and I find myself truly stopping to just enjoy things. I used to have a constant inner dialogue that was pretty negative, and I have no idea where it went but its gone and good riddance!” JJ
“Direct Neurofeedback at the Alpine Clinic has been a game changer for me. It’s given me drive and energy. I am able to focus on the positive, and feel like I am in control. Although negative thoughts may come up, they don’t take over and they don’t become obsessive. I am able to make decisions more clearly and I am accomplishing things. Some weeks I’m so far ahead on my “to do” list, I don’t know what to do!” PS
The American Academy of Pediatrics supports Neurofeedback as a “Level 1 Best Support” intervention for the treatment of ADD/ADHD in children.
Neurofeedback for Personal Crisis and Anxiety – Client Testimonial
Direct Neurofeedback helped Adriana overcome old negative patterns of reactivity and resolve her lifelong anxiety. All of this helped her come through a personal life crisis.
Neurofeedback for Addiction and Anxiety – Client Testimonial
Direct Neurofeedback effectively shifted and reduced the UNDERLYING anxiety that resulted in this client becoming an addict.
Dr. David Dubin MD on Direct Neurofeedback.
Direct Neurofeedback is very effective at treating – Anxiety, Stress, Panic Attacks and Depression.
The brain learns how to function more optimally and continues to improve itself.
Results are amazing and achieved from the first session – you’ll know within hours.
It’s a spa for the mind. You’ll be more comfortable in social situations and take more risks.
“If you forgot what normal feels like or never knew it , trust me the effects of Direct Neurofeedback will normalize you.” H.J. Vancouver
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Talk to a real person Text or Call 604-732-3930
Take the Next Step
A Personal Letter To YOU,
It takes courage to initiate a change in your life – especially one that has been weighing you down for a long time. It is almost as if that which you want to get rid of is a familiar friend. In reality it is your enemy, that undermines and restricts you everyday.
Isn’t it time to finally throw the enemy out and live the rest of your life free?
The expertise we have at the Alpine Counselling Clinic is unsurpassed. The thousands of clients we have helped to make significant changes in their lives over the past 30 years, bears good testament to our professionalism and commitment.
If you are hesitant in any way about taking the next step, call the number below and ask for me personally – so we can talk.
Claire Maisonneuve, director Alpine Clinic.

"Incredible Clinic... I've had migraines for 28 years after a car accident and from my Direct Neurofeedback Treatments, they are gone."
"I started my treatments in November 2020 and my last migraine was in December 2020 - I had migraines close to every day."
"Many other changes happened as well, one very surprising one - I've struggled with being late since childhood and now I'm on time for everything. That in itself has been life changing."
"I do encourage anyone thinking of doing this to complete the 20 treatments recommended to ensure the changes are permanent."
"I have of course recommended family and friends and many have had great results as well."
Thank you to the team at Alpine Clinic for all your help... It's truly been a life changing experience!"

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